1031 Exchanges

How Weber Rector can help you defer capital gains tax on the sale of real property through a 1031 exchange.

One of the most powerful tools available to real estate investors comes in the form of tax-deferment on proceeds from the sale of real property. Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 lays out the conditions in which an investor can defer capital gains tax on the sale of real property when the sale proceeds are invested in another property within a specified period of time. For those looking to trade out of a real estate asset that has been fully depreciated or has experienced significant appreciation, these “1031 exchanges” provide a financially advantageous way to avoid paying capital gains while growing one’s portfolio.

The challenge with these exchanges is that they require a certain expertise to navigate, and this is where Weber Rector can provide value. To qualify for a 1031 exchange, certain requirements must be met and deadlines observed. Also, there are different kinds of exchanges to know: in a “direct swap,” for example, the owner does a simultaneous exchange for another piece of property. More common is a “deferred exchange” in which the owner sells property and then purchases one or several like-kind properties within the defined period. In a “reverse exchange,” the replacement property is purchased first and held in escrow until the original property is sold.

With many years of experience in directing investors in 1031 exchanges, Weber Rector can guide you through the entire process of identifying up to three “replacement” properties and then closing a deal within the 180-day window allowed in the tax code. Additionally, we will help you select a qualified intermediary, who will manage the proceeds from the property “relinquished” (sold) and protect you from the immediate demand of capital gains taxes. We will find the right type of investment for you whether it is a local value-ad opportunity or a triple-net investment in a different market. Weber Rector has access to investments opportunities across the country.


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